Our Story | Ace Electric Motor & Pump Co
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Melvin Gutsche spent 18 years in the electric motor industry and had a tremendous passion for what he did, so in 1952 he purchased the electric motor division from Heild Electric and founded Ace. He set out on a mission to serve the central valley. Melvin had been running the company for more than 20 years and successfully completed the repair of thousands of motors and pumps when in 1970 he decided to bow out due to health reasons. His youngest son lance, who had begun working at the shop at the early age 6, took the reins at 28 years old in 1970 as operations manager then in 1976 he purchased the company from his father. Lance was committed to his father’s vision for creating an exceptional product which began a more than 34 year love affair with the company his father founded.

Old photo of Melvin Gutsche with repaired industrial electric motor
70's photo of technician's pulling shaft from electric motor in shop

Lance continued the traditions his father created until April of 2010 when lance decided to retire to spend more time with his family. He sold the company to his then operations manager, Josh Iris, who immediately begin reinvesting into and modernizing the facility. Ace now has more than 13 passionate and performance oriented team members who are committed to growing, learning and innovating every day while still continuing the traditions and values set into motion so many years ago.


"To Improve the Way of Life For Millions of People ... Silently"

What we believe (core values)



  • Service – We serve at the highest level, always.

  • Team – We stand together as ONE. STRONG, FOCUSED & UNSTOPPABLE

  • Safety – The safety of our team members and clients are valued above all else.

  • Reputation – Honesty and "doing the right thing" are out unwavering standards.

close up of modern Ace team member finishing the process of rewinding an industrial electric motor

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Reach out to Ace today!

(209) 464-6428

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